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Now you can create your own Q&A site and be recognized as an expert on any topic you're passionate about in a way that is fast and easier than starting a new website.
~Gil Penchina


Whether someone wants to learn the words to a new Lady Gaga song they heard on the radio or to verify the lyrics to 'Blinded by the Light', the LyricWiki community delivers.
~Gil Penchina


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I've been lucky enough to be involved in a number of great startups, including eBay and Wikia as an entrepreneur and LinkedIn and Paypal as an investor.
~Gil Penchina


It is obvious that the Internet has become such a video-driven entity. With broadband becoming ubiquitous, viewers and advertisers are looking for professional-quality videos.
~Gil Penchina


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Buying a banner, you have no control whether ten different people see your ad once, or one person sees it ten times.
~Gil Penchina


In the U.S., Wikia has content sponsorships with top brands, including Blizzard Activision, Sony, Microsoft, Electronic Arts, ABC Television and others.
~Gil Penchina


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When trying to start a company, your enemy isn't criticism, anger or insults. Your enemy is apathy.
~Gil Penchina


Along the way, I learned the key to launching a company. It's all about storytelling.
~Gil Penchina



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